Friday, October 30, 2009

AIA Denver COTE Meeting 11-6-09

Friday, November 6, 11:30am-1:00pm – UC Denver Building, Room 470, 1250 14th Street, Denver

Join the AIA Denver Committee on the Environment (COTE) for Architecture for Humanity, presented by Sarah Karlan and Matthew Hamann. This presentation will discuss Architecture for Humanity as a volunteer organization who provides pro bono design services to local and international communities in need and how they strive to promote environmentally and socially responsive solutions through education and a strong collaboration with client and community.  While working in conjunction with other humanitarian based organizations and community networking, Architecture for Humanity aims to continually expand their influence and advocacy and promote a better way of life through an architectural medium.  RSVPs are requested and must be made by Thursday, Nov. 5, at 4 pm by contacting Jenna Cather at 303.446.2266, ext. 112 or Cost: Free for members/ $15 for non-members. AIA Denver COTE meets the first Friday of each month. The presentation will be preceded by an AIA Denver COTE business meeting at 11:30am.  For more information about this committee, contact AIA Denver at 303.446.2266 or visit the website.

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